Saturday, October 24, 2009

Halloween ReVisited

I'm not much into creating new blog posts lately, but click on the title of this post to see my Halloween posts from last year.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Steel-Toed Boots

The #1 advantage to wearing Steel-Toed boots while operating heavy equipment which has the potential to cut off your toes. . .

Zachary "still" has toes.

However, we will have to invest in another pair of these toe-saving boots.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Spring!

I am glad that it is finally Spring! The weather is even cooperating! Hopefully, I can get outside this weekend and dig around in the dirt, clean up all the dead stuff, and get my yard ready for Summer.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

This is Me . . . FAT

Meez 3D avatar avatars games

This is Me...telling the whole world that I am not happy with my weight. Everyone who know me, knows that my happiness depends on the size of my pants. And right now I am terribly unhappy.

So what is my plan? I don't know. I need a plan. I don't want to do anything, I just want it to go away.

Maybe just admitting that there is a problem is my first step to recovery.

Oh, and by the way, you can't even make a "fat" animation thingy. I tried to make this look like me, but I couldn't make fat and ugly with the program I was using. This is the "Plus-sized Penny" body.

Friday, February 13, 2009

My Happy Place

I've decided that I really like decorating & changing my blog, but I hate to write stuff. I've mentioned before that my life is so boring that there is absolutely nothing to blog about. And when I do write, I agonize and stew over every word and punctuation.

However, my blog is my "Happy Place." My little piece of the World Wide Web that I am in charge of. I have little clicky things that take me to places I enjoy daily. I can even tell which blogs have recently been updated.

It is so fun to learn new tricks to change the look of my blog. I usually see something I like on another site, then figure out how to add it to my site. Sometimes I amaze myself at the things I am able to figure out. It is fascinating to me that a I can take a picture as simple as this,

add its "secret code" in my HTML script, and it turns into my background.

I have figured out how to add widgets and gadgets and blinkees. I have even designed my own headers. With cool sites like this. . .


. . .and a that free Paint program on practically every computer,

I've been able to create semi-acceptable stuff. Imagine what I could do if I had a fancy graphics program and a some real knowledge.

So I will continue to decorate my Happy Place and maybe, just maybe, I will even write a post.

Monday, February 2, 2009

I've Decided. . .

. . .That I really don't like to write on my blog. I have nothing to write about. My life is boring. I go to work, I come home from work, I do the laundry on Saturday, I've given up on trying to keep my house clean. I'm pathetic.