Friday, February 13, 2009

My Happy Place

I've decided that I really like decorating & changing my blog, but I hate to write stuff. I've mentioned before that my life is so boring that there is absolutely nothing to blog about. And when I do write, I agonize and stew over every word and punctuation.

However, my blog is my "Happy Place." My little piece of the World Wide Web that I am in charge of. I have little clicky things that take me to places I enjoy daily. I can even tell which blogs have recently been updated.

It is so fun to learn new tricks to change the look of my blog. I usually see something I like on another site, then figure out how to add it to my site. Sometimes I amaze myself at the things I am able to figure out. It is fascinating to me that a I can take a picture as simple as this,

add its "secret code" in my HTML script, and it turns into my background.

I have figured out how to add widgets and gadgets and blinkees. I have even designed my own headers. With cool sites like this. . .


. . .and a that free Paint program on practically every computer,

I've been able to create semi-acceptable stuff. Imagine what I could do if I had a fancy graphics program and a some real knowledge.

So I will continue to decorate my Happy Place and maybe, just maybe, I will even write a post.

2 Cool Commentators:

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

It's one of the most fun things about blogging, I find. Tweaking that ole template and seeing what you can create!

Breeana said...

I'm glad that you like that part about blogging, I'm not patient enough to take the time to figure those things out so I'm glad you do it for me. I'll change mine again in another week or so to something springy so you can help me then.